Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

  1. Parental Information
  2. Parental Feedback

During our most recent parents evening, we collected 131 parental questionnaires (49%) across the whole school. The responses and comments received were overwhelmingly positive, which greatly motivates all the staff members!

We always encourage honesty from parents to utilize the data for improvement, further development, and uncovering any issues we may not be aware of at present.

The feedback revealed that, on average, over 95% of our parents are completely satisfied with all aspects of school life. About 3% indicated 'not applicable' for some questions, while only 2% disagreed on specific points.

Parental Feedback - Spring 2024

'Ofsted Parent View' is an online survey that allows parents (any person with parental responsibility for a child) to give their views about their child’s school.  It is the main mechanism for parents to give their views to inspectors at the time of a school inspection, however parents can complete the survey at any time.  You can access the survey directly from the Ofsted Parent View website or from the homepage of the main Ofsted website. Please click on the link below to take you directly to the Parent View site.

 Ofsted Parent View Log in to the site to leave your views about Grange Valley Primary School