Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

  1. Governors
  2. Governor Information

The governing body's main aim is to help raise standards of achievement and make sure the school provides a good quality education. The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the head teacher and staff. Rather than manage. Governors are there to help shape the school's future direction and focus.

Title  First Name Surname Type of Governor Appointed By First Appointed Term of Office 2023 - 2024 Attendance
Start End Autumn 23 Spring 24 Summer  24
Mrs Dianne Holcroft Headteacher Gov/LA 01/01/2013 Ex Officio Ex Officio 3/4 2/2
Mrs  Catherine Mavers Staff Governors 07/12/2015 07/12/2022 06/12/2026 4/4 2/2
Mr  Mike Prescott Co-opt  Governors 26/05/2023 26/05/2023 25/05/2027 3/3 2/2
Cllr Martin Bond LA LA 21/11/2018 21/11/2022 21/11/2026 1/3 1/2
Mr Dave Hornby Chair Governors 11/05/2023 11/05/2023 10/05/2027 4/4 2/2
Mrs Alison Bolton Co-opt Governors 21/03/2024 21/03/2024 22/03/2028 N/A N/A
Mrs Diane Gribben Co-opt Governors 20/11/2019 20/11/2020 20/11/2024 2/3 2/2
Mrs  Audrey Barker Associate Governors 19/05/2023 19/05/2023 18/05/2027 3/3 1/2
Mrs  Chloe Smith Co-opt Governors 26/05/2023 26/05/2023 25/05/2027 3/3 2/2
Mrs  Sally Halsall Parent Parents 21/04/2024 21/04/2024 22/04/2028 N/A N/A
Mrs Michelle Storey Parent Parents 29/03/2023 29/03/2023 28/03/2023 3/3 1/2
Master Alby - Child Chair Children 09/2023 09/2023 07/2024 1/1 1/1
Miss Sophia - Child Vice Children 09/2023 09/2021 07/2024 1/1 1/1
Mrs  Sheena Bailey School Clerk when needed

We believe in transparency and accountability within our school. The Governing Board provide support and challenge as required, with the aim of enabling our school to work towards educational excellence for all. 

We aim to develop a culture of diversity, community and democrocy  through our values of guide, challenge & achieve in which all those connected to Grange Valley feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in school life.

Across our school, our governance roles are composed of approximately 87.5% white British, 12.5% white Irish and 0% wishing not to share their information.

*Similar to pupil data, any individual who is of any origin other than white British/Irish, is defined as being of minority ethnic background.


Parent Governors

Parents, including carers, of registered pupils at the school are eligible to be elected as governors at the school. Parent Governors are elected by other parents at the school by a process of nominations and a ballot if necessary.

Local Authority Governors

The Local Authority appoints LA Governors and any eligible person can be appointed to this role.

Staff Governors

Both teaching and support staff, who are employees at the school, are eligible to become Staff Governors. They are elected by the school staff.


The Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body by virtue of his/her office.

Co-opted Governors

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body on the basis that they have the necessary skills to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. All categories of governor are elected or appointed to serve a four-year term of office: governors may serve more than one term of office.

Associate Governors

Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committee. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They may vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed.

School governors play a vital role in education.

The governing board plans the strategic direction of a school, makes sure public money is well spent, and holds school leadership to account.

A strong governing board ensures robust debate, which in turn leads to better educational outcomes for children.

Whatever your professional background, your skills could transform a school. To find out more follow the link below... 

2023 Declaration of Interest

Instrument of Governors

2023 Concstitution

Historical Record of Members

Terms of Reference

Previous Governors

Title First Name Surname Type of Governor End of office Reason for leaving
Mr Ste  Sharples Co-opt (Chair) July 2023 Work commitments
Mr  Nigel  Rouch Co-opt July 2023 Work commitments
Mrs  Jenni Wright Co-opt April 2023 Work commitments
Mrs  Nichola Tomkow Co-opt January 2023 Work commitments
Mr  Partrick Hurley Co-opt March 2024 Work Commitments
Mrs  Helen  Sparrow Parent March 2024 Personal