Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

  1. Parental Information
  2. Pastoral Support

Which Children? Which Adults?

Through discussion with staff children are considered for a place in the nurture group. Through observation and discussion a ‘Boxall Profile’ is completed and analysed. Members of the SLT use this information to select children.

A Nurture Group Session

Each session is planned to meet the emotional a

nd learning needs of each child. A range of practical activities, rich in speaking and listening, take place with an over arching group focus for developing the children's social and emotional needs.

Each child also has an individual personal and social target which is developed through relationships with adults and other children within the room.

The National Curriculum and information from the Boxall Profile analysis are used to plan for the group and individuals.

Sharing Meal Times

Breakfast, snack and lunch times are an important part of the Nurture Group session. The children learn to socialise with each other, to eat and enjoy others company during a meal time, to try new foods, to take turns, to learn acceptable ways of making their needs, likes and dislikes known, and to take on helpful roles within the group, e.g. washing up, laying the table, pouring drinks.

What comes after Nurture?

The children's progress within the Nurture Group is regularly reviewed and is measured termly using the Boxall Profile, the National Curriculum and on-going observations. As the children learn and grow, both   academically and socially they develop confidence,   become responsive to others, take pride in behaving well and in their own achievements.   A key aim of the nurture group is for the children to develop the necessary skills to be able to integrate positively into their peer and class group. Following discussions with parents, class teachers and nurture group staff, a process for re-settlement within the class group is planned and a gradual withdrawal from the Nurture Group implemented.






My name is Audrey Barker and I am the Pastoral Leader at Grange Valley. Part of my role is to build strong links between you, your child and school. I run regular sessions offering support to parents and to involve parents in their child's learning. 



Grange Valley is fully committed to develop the whole child; spiritually, emotionally, physically and academically. In response to the challenges that many of our children face, which can result in emotional vulnerability we have developed the Sunshine Group.

 Aims of the Nurture Group

  • To increase inclusive practice for children with emotional, social and/or behavioural difficulties and to develop ways in which the school supports such children providing a small-scale setting in which children can experience nurturing care from two caring adults, who actively work towards enabling their successful reintegration;
  • To facilitate a positive whole school ethos, ensuring a predictable, calm and purposeful environment and timetable, free from curriculum pressures;
  • To raise the achievement of children with emotional, social and behavioural difficulties
  • To develop self-esteem and social skills;
  • To increase joint working practices between agencies
  • To work in partnership with parents and teachers to achieve consistency of approach at home and school;
  • To develop relationships between adults and children, building trust, confidence and reliability;
  • To develop responsibility for self and others;
  • To help children learn appropriate behaviour;
  • To help children make decisions and wise choices through understanding the consequences of certain ways of behaving;
  • To provide an environment that supports and listens to children and parents; 

Our Nurture Room

Our room has the following areas:

A kitchen/dining area, equipped with uten-sils, baking equipment, cooker, fridge etc.

A living area with a sofa, rug, photographs, and curtains.

A quiet area with bean bags, cushions and books

A work area with literacy and mathematics equipment, paper, card, display boards.

A general area with jigsaws, bricks, games and role play.

Parents as Partners

Regular informal meetings with parents take place to discuss progress, share concerns and to plan next steps.