Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

  1. Key Stage 2 Classes

Grange Valley Nursery Information

Welcome to Grange Valley Nursery. We feel that it is important when choosing a nursery for your child to have confidence in the care that your child receives. We provide a happy environment, where the needs of both the parent and child are met. We hope this page gives you a flavour of our OUTSTANDING nursery.

Here at Grange Valley we can offer both you and your child an exciting and enjoyable time. We passionately believe that every child is special and should have the best possible opportunities to learn and develop to their full potential, whilst recognising that all children are unique, and like to learn in their own way. This underpins the way we plan our curriculum and develop the children’s learning environment, ensuring that we provide challenging learning opportunities that will excite and motivate children to learn, following their own interests.

Our nurturing and stimulating environment provides the perfect setting for children to begin the first stages of their learning.

Outstanding Ofsted Inspection 

Our OUTSTANDING Ofsted inspection states...

‘Early years is a hive of activity in which children are absorbed in their learning’. ‘Staff are highly vigilant, making sure children are safe and well cared for’.

‘Children get off to a flying start. Staff make sure that they get to know children before they join the Nursery, so that they can help children settle in quickly. Staff encourage children to develop independence in those early days, so that children are quickly able to make the most of their learning time’.

‘Staff use this information well to inform their interactions with children and assess their learning. Consequently, children make rapid gains in their knowledge and skills, catching up quickly from their different starting points’.

‘Parents are encouraged to be partners in their children’s learning. They are invited to regular ‘stay and play’ sessions, share their child’s ‘wow’ moments at home with staff and follow the early years ‘blog’. Parents are encouraged to get to know other parents and get involved in school life through the ‘Fun Friday’ sessions run by the school’s pastoral lead’.

'Parents hold the setting in high regard. They are delighted with how well their children settle in and how much they look forward to each day. Parents are amazed by the progress their children are making’.

Nursery Staff

The Key Person relationship is fundamental to each child's well being, learning and development. All children are assigned a key Person who works closely alongside both children and staff. Key Persons are available daily and we also have termly 'Stay and Play' sessions where parents are invited in to spend time with their child and their Key Person. Key Persons record detailed observations which are available for parents to view at any time. 

Miss Prescott Miss Abbott Miss Anslow Mrs Baines Mrs Mathers Mrs Liptrot

EYFS Assistant Head

Nursery Teacher

Key Worker Key Worker Learning Assistant


Key Worker


Our EYFS Curriculum... 

Through organised play and fun, teacher-led activities, your child will cover the seven areas of the Early Years curriculum. 

Communication & Language - Developing listening, concentration, attention, understanding and speaking skills.

Language & Literacy - Developing reading and writing skills.

Mathematics - Developing problem solving skills and familiarity with numbers, shapes, measures and space.

Expressive Art & Design - Developing creative skills through exploration, imagination, media and materials.

Understanding the World - Developing an understanding of people, communities, technology and the world itself.

Personal Development - Developing self-awareness, self-confidence, manage feelings and behaviour and form relationships.

Physical Development - Developing movement and handling skills, as well as health and safe care.

Parents in Partnership 

At Grange Valley we pride ourselves in our partnership with parents. Parents have daily face to face contact with their child's Key Person. We hold parents 'Stay and Play' sessions and parent workshops. We provide parents with a weekly newsletter and a daily blog to show them what their child has been up to in nursery each day. Parents are emailed copies of their child's learning journey observations each half term to share with family and friends. 


Healthy Eating

We promote healthy eating by offering a well balanced self-serve snack area including; fruit, savoury snacks, milk and water. Our nursery has been awarded the Healthy Early Years Status award.


Wrap-around Prices

Our nursery offers all 3 and 4 year old children 15/30 hours free childcare. 

If parents/guardians require any further hours we also offer flexible wrap around from 8am to 6pm for an additional charge of £4 per hour.



Apply online at or come directly to our school office.

Children are allocated a place in nursery the term after their 3rd birthday:

Autumn term- September (Children who are 3 from May – end of August)

Spring Term- January ( Children who are 3 from September – end of Dec)

Summer Term-April (Children who are 3 from January – end of April)

Currently all 3 year old children are entitled to 15 hours free childcare. Some children may qualify for 30 hours free nursery entitlement. 

We also offer afternoon sessions for some children the term before their third birthday (Rising 3). Parents can pay privately for these sessions or some children may be eligible for 15 hours free 2 year old funding.


If you have any questions about our nursery or you would like to come for a look around please contact us on

01744 678300 or email

Nursery Transition Video

We can't wait to meet our new children in September!



We support the Governments 30 hours free childcare.

For further information on help with childcare costs visit: 

We offer 15/30 hours childcare for all 3 and 4 year old children.  We provide 15 hour childcare between 9am and 12pm OR 1pm and 4pm. We provide 30 hours childcare between 9am and 3pm. Further wrap around is available for all 3 and 4 year old children from 8am to 6pm for an additional charge of £4 per hour. We also offer a limited number of 15 hour Rising 3 places each half term.

2-Year-Old Nursery Provision from September 2020

Children can start our nursery the day of their 2nd birthday. We provide childcare from 8am to 6pm at a cost of £6 per hour or £40 per day. We also accept 2 year funding. Please contact the school office for an application pack. 

A day in the life of a child in nursery ...

The fun starts as we welcome children into nursery at 9:00am along with their parents/carers. After a short play indoors we go to group for registration and singing time. Children then enjoy free play both indoors and outdoors until 10:25am, then we go to group again for a short teaching session. After this the children enjoy further free play and the morning session is ended with phonics and story time.

During free flow play adults support children with a wide range of exciting activities including craft, baking, etc. Children also have open access to our self-serve snack area. On Friday's our children take part in Physical Development sessions in our school hall. 

 30 Hours Free Childcare Eligibility Criteria   

  • Parents expect to earn the equivalent to 16 hours at National Minimum or Living Wage over the coming three months.
  • This equates to £120 a week (or c.£6,000 a year) for each parent over 25 years old or £112.80 a week (or c.£5,800 a year) for each parent between 21 and 24 years old and £56 a week for apprentices in their first year.
  • This applies whether you are in paid employment, self-employed or on zero hours contract.
  • The parent (and their partner where applicable) should be seeking the free childcare to enable them to work.
  • Where one or both parents are on maternity, paternity, shared parental or adoption leave, or if they are on statutory sick leave.
  • Where one parent meets the income criteria and the other is unable to work because they are disabled, have caring responsibilities or have been assessed as having limited capability to work.
  • Where a parent is in a ‘start-up period’ (i.e. they are newly self-employed) they do not need to demonstrate that they meet the income criteria for 12 months.
  • If one or both parents is a non-EEA national, the parent applying must have recourse to public funds.


A parent will not meet the criteria when:  

  • Either parent has an income of more than £100,000.
  • If one or both parents is a non-EEA national and the parent applying does not have recourse to public funds.


Please visit the website below to apply: