Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

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Week ending 10th May 2024

What an eventful week it has been! Our days have been filled with digging, building, painting, and crafting for our outdoor play spaces. On Wednesday and Thursday, we rented a digger to kick off the development of our beach area. There was a friendly competition between myself and Mr. Ashton to see who could dig the biggest hole, and I must say, Mr. Ashton proved to be a skilled "digger operator"! Although it might just look like a large muddy pit right now, please be patient as we assure you it will transform into a stunning beach very soon.

Furthermore, we successfully laid out the roadways for our miniature village beneath the tree. Hand-mixing the cement was quite a challenge! Next week, we plan to paint the roads and commence construction. Enjoy the videos below!!

As we look ahead, next week marks the Y6 SATs. Our amazing Y6 students are ready, and we couldn't be prouder of them. Year 6 please remember...

Those tests....?

They're just a snapshot of a tiny piece of the grand puzzle that is you.

The folks behind the scenes writing and marking the SATs tests don't have a clue about your superpowers like we do, and definitely not like your family does.

They're clueless about your secret talents in art, singing, dancing, or how you're the go-to buddy in times of need.

They've never seen your game face in sports, your dreams for the future,

or the way you help both inside and outside school.

They're in the dark about your big heart, how you light up a room with laughter, or the adorable way you blush when you're feeling bashful.

They're missing out on your kindness, trustworthiness, and all the little things that make you, well, you!

Sure, the scores matter a bit, but they don't define the awesomeness that is uniquely you. Being smart come in all flavours, and you've got 'em all!

So, as you dive into the tests, just remember they're just a piece of the puzzle, not the whole masterpiece.

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle

Rest up, trust in your amazing selves, and always remember - you're way more incredible than any test can show!!!

Lots of luck and love,

Mrs. Holcroft and the whole Grange Valley Family xx

Our Mini Village - Stage 1

Our Beach - Stage 1

Week ending 3rd May 2024

What an eventful week it has been!

On Tuesday, amidst our dedicated work on phase 3 of our OPAL plan, we received an unexpected call from Ofsted. Our parent helpers have been exceptional, painting the pagoda, excavating under the tree, and outlining the path to the forest with bark. They continued their hard work as our team prepared for the important visit!

Wednesday and Thursday swiftly passed, with incredible support and kind words from all staff, children, and parents. We appreciate your unwavering encouragement! Stay tuned for the outcome.

Today, we came across an injured Racing Pigeon and assisted in reuniting it with its owners in Pontefract. The owner will update us on the pigeon's condition soon.

Have a wonderful LONG weekend, we will see you all again on Tuesday 7th May.

Lots of Love Mrs Holcroft and the GV Team

Week ending 26th April 2024

It's been an incredibly busy year, and I've only just found the time to sit down and write a whole-school blog – my apologies for the delay! I'm committed to staying consistent from now on. Since returning to school after Easter, there has been a wonderful atmosphere here, with the children putting in so much effort. Last week, Year 6 had their practice SATs, and I couldn't be prouder of how focused and determined they were – well done, Year 6! This week, we've been reflecting on the beauty of our world. The children compiled a long list of things they find beautiful and identified actions they believe humans take to tarnish it. Their insights truly impressed me!

In other news, eight Squishmallows have made their way to our school. These adorable creatures are like cousins to our Dojo monsters and are eager for the children to look after them temporarily!

Each week, we'll select a child who has shown exceptional behaviour and dedication in school to take a Squishmallow home.

All they request is that the chosen child writes about their time together in the Squishmallow's diary, so we can share their experiences with everyone else at school!

Next week we will be working had on the OPAL project, you are all welcome to join us in building some more exciting things for the children to play with!

Mrs Holcroft