Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

  1. Key Stage 1 Classes
  2. Year 1 22/23

Welcome to Year 1 - Mr. Ashton's Class  


We have really enjoyed our final full week in Year 1. We loved competing in a football tournament between our year group, taking part in transition activities with Miss Dove and attending our school fair afterschool. We have also finished our Art topic by looking at our different creative techniques, completing our Computing topic which is all about using programs on the laptops and finishing our instructions in English, which were all about being ready for Year 2.


This week, we have started our new English book 'Pig the Pug'. We have been looking at this book and using it to help with our transition to Year 2. In Maths, we have been recapping important parts of the Year 1 curriculum. In Science, we have taken part in an experiment making our own potions. We then wrote up our findings. In R.E, we continued to develop our knowledge around Baptisms and Christianity. In Music, we have been singing and using the glockenspiels to learn different songs. In PSHE, we have been helping with our transition to Year 2. We have really enjoyed meeting our new teacher and going into our new classes.


This week in Year 1 we have been writing acrostic poems. We read a book called 'The Promise' and wrote acrostic poems all about the book. They will be going on display in our KS2 corridor. In Maths, we have been recapping important topics such as counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. In History, we have been learning about the first plane flight. During this week, we have been celebrating Wimbledon. The children have loved showing off their Tennis skills. In R.E, we had a special visit from Father Dan. He taught us all about baptising and what it means.


We started this week with our fantastic Sports Day. Well done to the blue team for winning and every other team for their hard work and sportsmanship. Thank you for all of your support. It was a wonderful afternoon. In English, the children have looked at the book 'The Promise' and they have created their own acrostic poem. In Maths, the children have been recapped the key parts of Year 1 Maths such as fractions and numbers to 100. During R.E, we have looked at Baptism. In History, we continued to look at the History of transport. On Wednesday it was World Music Day, the children took part in several Music lessons and celebrated different instruments. 


This week has been healthy week! Year 1 have taken part in Scoot Fit and we went on a lovely local walk around Lyme & Wood Pit. During the walk, we looked at road safety and water safety. This week we have been practising sports day races for our sports day next week. In Maths, we have been recapping key objectives such as adding, subtracting and numbers to 100. In English, we have been using adjectives and similes to describe settings and characters. In History, we continued our transport topic by looking at trains past and present. In PSHE, we have been looking at changes in our lives. Soon, we will be looking at transitions to our next class and it is important we understand that things change and how to deal with this. 


During our first week back, we have been learning about positions. We have learnt about the position of objects and placed people in correct race positions. In English, we have started our topic about 'Song by the Sea'. This is using a range of clips from the film to create our own myth story. The children have so far looked at magic key and finding a shell. We used adjectives, adverbs and preposition to describe these parts of the story. In R.E, we started our topic about our family. The children enjoyed showing pictures of their family. In History, we started our transport topic. We looked at when cars were invented and how they changed peoples lives. We have also been practicing our races ready for sports day. Sports Day is on Monday 19th June at 1 o'clock. Next week is healthy week. We are looking at being healthier with what we eat and do. The children will be taking part in a range of activities throughout the week. 


In our final week in Year 1, we have created our own brochure/leaflet all about a safari. We have also finished our Mass topic in Maths. We looked at weighing different objects. We have finished our assessment lessons in Science, R.E and Geography topics. We also finished our windmills in DT and evaluated our project. Year 1 loved performing their dance and singing for our Eurovision contest on Friday. We also had a lovely time at our Summer Disco. On Friday, we enjoyed our learning council where we spoke about our families and how families can be different. Have a lovely break!


This week in Year 1, we have started our Write Stuff unit about 'On the Safari'. We are going to create a brochure for a safari. We have looked at facts of animals and described the safari. In Maths, we have been using lots of practical equipment to look at volume and capacity. In R.E, we looked at the festival of Diwali. In Geography, we recapped seaside towns and then compared two different beaches. In P.E, the children loved performing their dance for Eurovision. Inn Science, we have looked at fruit and vegetables. We sorted them and then wrote about where we can find them and where they grow. It has been 'walk to school' week this week so we have been encouraging the children to take part in lots of different physical activity. Thank you to Mrs Barker for her Safeguarding assembly this week. If you have any questions please let me know.


This week is Year 1, we have been creating our own story using 'Lost and Found'. We changed different parts of the story to create our own story using adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions. We have also completed our money topic in Maths, where we have looked at pound coins and notes. In Geography, we recapped seaside towns. We then looked at an island in the UK and discussed how we know what an island is and the features of an island. In Science, we have followed on from looking at trees by comparing them to other trees and plants. In R.E, Mr Carr taught the children all about Mandir's and where Hindu's play. In PSHE, we have looked at feelings and how to cope with those different feelings. On Friday afternoon, we enjoyed joining in with Eurovision celebrations.


During this short week, we have continued with our Lost and Found story. We ordered the story and discussed alternative endings. In Maths, we finished our time topic. We looked at days of the week and months of the year. During Science, we have continued our plants topic and looked at the parts of a tree and their jobs. Within PSHE we have looked at the different emotions and how we can deal with these emotions. On Friday, we celebrated the King's Coronation. We wrote about what we would do if we were a king, took part in coronation activities and enjoyed wearing our crowns for our coronation lunch!


This week, we have been learning about using different conjunctions in English. We have also expanded our vocabulary for feelings of different characters. In Maths, we have started our time topic. We have been learning about o'clock and half past. In Science, we really enjoyed our lesson from Mr Kruze. We conducted an experiment to see which materials floated and sank. We also really enjoyed or R.E from Mr Carr. We ordered the story of 'The Blind Men and the Elephant'. This week we have also finished making our hand/finger puppets. We created our characters and used different methods to stick the fabric together. In Science, we have also been labelling the different parts of a plant. We learnt about the different jobs each part has. We then went into the canopy area and planted a range of different plants. In Dance, we finished our King's coronation dance. Mr Ashton really enjoyed us performing it!


In our first week back, we have started our new book 'Lost and Found'. The children have been describing the characters, asking questions and creating 'lost' posters. In Maths, we have started our numbers to 100 topic. The children have been using part whole methods and dienes to show different numbers. In Science, we have started to learn about plants. In Geography, we have looked at what we can see and hear at the seaside. In R.E, we learnt about the main features of Hinduism and compared it to other religions. Our topic for PSHE this term is relationships and how the people we have relationships with are important. This week, Year 1 really enjoyed their first dance session with Emma. They have been learning a dance for the coronation.


In our final week of term, the children have been writing their own story using Grandad's Island. They have been changing the different events to create their own story. I Maths, we finished our fractions topic. In Science, we create a poster about Summer and in History we took part in a quiz about famous Queens. During this week, we delivered our Easter assembly to parents and children, as well as visiting Heyeswood to sing songs and deliver presents. We have also created our own Easter cards. We have also continued our Phonics and reading sessions throughout the week. Thank you so much for attending the Easter assembly and staying for snacks and drinks. It was lovely to see everybody interacting together! Have a lovely break and we will see you for the Summer term!


This week in English we started our new book 'Grandad's Island'. The children have loved this book and have been using adjectives, speech and lots of descriptive language to talk about different parts of the story. In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. We have split shapes into halves, quarters and then compared fractions. In History, we compared Victorian times to modern day times such as clothes, schools and food. In R.E, the children recapped what they have learnt about Judaism and took part in a quiz. We have also been practising our Easter assembly which takes place next Thursday. 


In English, the children have finished their book 'Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish'. They created a leaflet of how to look after Planet Earth as the man in the story made it very messy! In Maths, we have started our topic looking at division. We are using our knowledge of making groups to share items equally. In R.E, we learnt about the story of Hannukah and retold it in our own words. In Science, we drew and wrote sentences all about what you can see in Spring. We will be going on a Spring walk around the grounds when the weather is better. On Friday, it was non-uniform day. We continued finishing our leaflet and division topics. We the had a visit from CLC to teach us all about Computing and creating our own robot.


This week we decided to write a letter to our favourite author. The children chose Julia Donaldson and our recent author Fay Evans, to write a letter and tell them all about their favourite book. They also told them about our World Book Day. In Maths, we have continued to learn about multiplication. This week we have been doubling numbers. In History, we created our own fact file about Queen Elizabeth I. During R.E, we learnt about the Sukkot festival and compared it to the Harvest festival. In Science, the children took part in a Spring walk. We then drew and wrote all what we see in Spring. This week we started our Design and Technology topic. We used gluing, pinning and stapling techniques to attached two pieces of fabric. Later in this topic we will be creating our own finger puppets. We also created our own Fairtrade posters for Fairtrade Fortnight and we spoke about comfortable/uncomfortable feelings in our PATHS session with Lisa.


This week the children have been taking part in Maths and spelling assessments. We have been focusing on our Phonics and building our reading/spelling or Year 1 common exception words. In Science, we created our own weather table and have been writing the weather, temperature, rainfall and wind direction each day. In Computing, we have been designing our own robot poster using Book Creator. We have had a very fun week celebrating World Book Week. On Thursday, we dressed up as our favourite characters and on Friday we had a 'Booky Breakfast' with our parents. We had breakfast, juice, read books and took part in different activities such as creating our own book front cover. We have also had a special assembly and workshop delivered to us from Fay Evans. Fay read her new book 'Dave the Whale' to us and spoke about how she became an author. 


During our first week back of Spring 2, the children started reading the book 'Dinosaurs and all That Rubbish'. We have predicted what will happen in the story and used our FANTASTIC symbols of noticing, touching, hearing and smelling to describe the setting within the story. During Maths, we have started our multiplication topic. We have been counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. We have also been using words such as groups of and multiply. We had a lovely morning on Thursday when parents came in to see a Maths lesson in action. Parents, children and staff loved getting involved and using the different resources. In Science, we have started to learn about Spring and Summer. We are comparing these seasons to Autumn and Winter (that we have previously learnt about). In History, we have started our topic about famous queens. The children added 3 famous queens to a timeline and learnt about the term 'monarchy'. We have continued to practice our handwriting and recap/learn sounds in Phonics. In Computing, we have started our 'Modern Tales' topic.


This week in English, we have been following instructions. We wrote our own instructions about 'How to be a Good Friend'. This links into our Children's Mental Health Week. In Maths, we have recapped addition and subtraction. Within our wider curriculum topics, we have been taking part in quizzes and assessments to see what we have learnt. We also finished our DT topic by using different techniques to make 3D structures. As this week has been Children's Mental Health Week, we have taken part in 'Move it Monday' with Mr Ireland, 'Technology Tuesday', 'WOW Wednesday', 'Thoughtful Thursday' and 'Feel Good Friday'. We have taken part in a range of activities to support Children's Mental Health.


This week in English we have created our own story about 'Sarah's Sock'. We have used our ideas and knowledge from the story of 'Stanley's Stick' to help with our ideas. In Maths, we have been solving addition and subtraction word problems. We have been using number lines, number sentences, pictorials and resources to solve these problems. During Geography, we went on a walk around the school to look at human and physical resources. Within Science, we created our own Venn diagrams using what we know about materials and their properties. During Music, we have been learning how to play certain songs on the glockenspiels. We have also continued our Phonics sessions and reading. 


In English, we have started our new story of Stanley's Stick. We have predicted the ending of the story and then created our own ending. In Maths, we have been ordering numbers to 40 and looking at one more and one less. In R.E we learnt about the 5 pillars of Islam. In Geography, we used the I-Pads and Atlases to look at different parts of the United Kingdom. We found where we lived. In Science, we have continued to look different properties of materials. This week we have also celebrated National Compliments Day and National Handwriting Day. We made different letters using clay.


This week in English we finished our book of 'Leo and the Octopus'. We researched facts about octopuses and then created our own poster/report about them. We used key features that we have learnt throughout the topic. In Maths, we have continued looking at numbers to 40. We have used tens frames, numbers bonds, part whole models and comparing numbers to help with our numbers to 40. In Science, we have used feely bags and described the properties of different materials. In R.E, we learnt about the different religious texts. We compared the bible and the Quran. We also looked at how the Quran is important to Muslims. In PSHE, we have been looking at dreams and goals. We discussed goals that we have for the future and how it is important to keep going if they do not happen straight away. In Geography, we have continued to look at the United Kingdom. 


This week we have continued to look at 'Leo and the Octopus'. We have used imperative verbs, wrote a letter and used conjunctions. In Maths, we started a new topic looking at numbers to 40. We have counted to 40, wrote them in digits and words, and then we used tens frames/tens and ones to make numbers between 1 and 40. We started our Geography topic this week. We are looking at the United Kingdom. This week we looked at the countries that make up the United Kingdom. We also had a lovely visit from Lisa of PATHS. Lisa read a story all about Twiggle's special birthday and spoke about how it is important to share. During R.E, we looked at the story of Islam. We cut and stuck the story in the correct order.


During our first week back after Christmas, the children are focusing on a new story called 'Leo and the Octopus'. So far we have read a few pages. We have discussed how we are unique and used the pronoun 'I' to talk about our feelings. In Maths we have been using different methods to measure the height and length of an object. We have used cubes and also rulers. This week we have also started forest schools with KABS and our new P.E topic with Mr Ireland. In Science we have started our materials topic. The children identified different materials and looked at different objects around the classroom that are made from those materials. 


During our final week of Autumn 2, we have been feeling very Christmassy! We have made our own Christmas cards, calendars, Christmas decorations and watched the KS2 Christmas performance. The children have also finished their English topic by creating a fact file about their alien that they made. They finished their 2D and 3D shape topic in Maths. The children have also shown what they have learnt this half term in History and Science by answering their end of term assessment questions. We have also created our own pictures in Art by using the mark making techniques that Miss Redcliffe has taught us. We would just like to say a huge thank you for your support during this half term and a big thank you to the children for making it so enjoyable. We would also like to say a huge thank to Miss Redcliffe who moves onto her next placement after Christmas. I know the children will really miss her!


This week Year 1 have taken part in lots of different Christmas festivities. We have taken part in our Christmas tree lighting, had our Christmas pyjama day with hot chocolate, taken part in Christmas jumper/Christmas dinner day, watched a puppet show and most importantly I want to say a huge thank you to the children for their fantastic Christmas Nativity performance. We would also like to say thank you for so many people coming watching, we hope you enjoyed it! During this week we have started our shape topic in Maths looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We have also looked at our 5 senses in Science. In Music, the children have been learning how to sing twinkle twinkle little star and then play it on glockenspiels. In English, we have continued our story about Beegu;. We wrote a letter to Beegu, made our own alien and looked at using different suffixes. Thank you for all of your support with all of the Christmas activities this week!


This week we started looking at our new book called Beegu. The children came into school to see a mysterious hole and tape in our Reception forest area. We went outside to investigate and we asked questions to try and find out what it might be. We also used imperative verbs in our poster to tell the rest of the school how to look after Beegu if they see her. We then seen a video of the alien and used adjectives to describe it. In Maths we have finished our addition and subtraction topic. We have been subtracting using a number line, crossing out, taking away ones and even partitioning 2 digit numbers. In History, the children have continued to look at old and new. We compared old and modern schools. We continued our mark making topic in Art with Miss Redcliffe. The children drew Christmas pictures without taking their pencil/oil pastel off the page. We also had a very special visit from the vicars of St Marks church. They spoke all about how Jesus was special to Christians! This linked into our practice of the Christmas Nativity. 


We started off this week by supporting England in the World Cup. We watched the game in the hall and took part in activities in the classroom. In English, Year 1 have been learning about poetry. We created Acrostic poems about Winter and Shape poems all about raindrops. In Maths we have been adding in different ways by counting on, using a number line and making 10. This week we have also began practicing our songs for our Christmas Nativity. This will take place on December 8th at 2pm. In Science, the children learnt all about their own body parts and why they are important. On Friday, we had a visit from a Paralympic athlete Rachel. On Thursday, we made links with our Spanish school and read each other a story. The children loved reading a story, listening to a Spanish story and also asking questions about their school is different. The children took part in a physical activity circuit and Rachel delivered an assembly all about her achievements. Please remember to sponsor the children to raise money for P.E provision.


This week in English Year 1 finished their book 'I Want My Hat Back'. We finished the topic by changing some of the characters from the book to write our own story. The children learnt what they had used such as questions marks, adjectives and nouns to create their story. In Maths we have focused on number patters, ordering numbers and finding one more and one less of numbers to 20. Year 1 really enjoyed their Science lesson with Miss Redcliffe, where they learnt about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. In History we sorted old and new toys into the correct categories. On Friday we took part in Children In Need. We doodled on our own t-shirts. We had lots of fun!

Next week we will be doing lots to celebrate the start of the Mens football World Cup in Qatar.


This week in Maths we have finished our addition and subtraction topic. We have continued our English topic looking at 'I Want My Hat Back'. The children have began to plan their own story using their own characters. We have been using pictures to make our own addition and subtraction stories. In Art, the children have really enjoyed continuing their topic with Miss Redcliffe. The children have used different lines to create a picture of 'under the sea'. In History we used a timeline to compare old and new toys. We looked at toys from the Victorian times, 20th century, our grandads toys and the toys that we play with. We had a lovely Friday this week. We paid our respect during Remembrance Day and watched Year 5's assembly. We then went to Wargrave to watch Cinderella in a pantomime.


This week in English, Year 1 have started their new book called 'I want my hat back'. We have been writing questions and predicting what might happen in the story. In Maths we have been using counters, numbers lines and other methods to subtract. The children really enjoyed Miss Redcliffe's Art lesson that allowed them to mark make with chalk on a dark piece of paper. They are learning a range of different techniques. We have also been learning about different types on animals within Science. In P.E, the children are taking part in invasion games. We have also started our History topic which is looking at old and new. We began by looking at modern toys that the children play with. Next week is parents evening. Please book on Arbor. If you have any issues just let me know.


During our last week of Autumn 1, we finished reading our class novel of Astro Girl. We used adjectives, facts, questions and nouns to write a fact file about astronauts. In Maths we used different ways to show how we can add two numbers together such as tens frames, pictures, part whole method, number sentences and a number line. We completed our Geography topic by creating an experiment to measure the rainfall. In Science we used our knowledge from the Year 4 assembly to talk about what we are grateful for at Harvest time. In Design and Technology we finished looking at our fruit and vegetables topic by tasting and making smoothies. We also had a lovely session all about internet safety using a new app called 'Book Creator'. On Tuesday, we really enjoyed taking part in our Barn Dance. These children dressed up in non uniform and loved dancing to song played by our DJ.  During this week, we also had an assembly to celebrate Black History Month. We got to show off our celebration board that we have created for Lewis Hamilton.

When we come back to school we will be looking at subtraction, old and new toys, the nativity story, Mondrian (Art) and animal and their habitats.

Have a lovely half term and enjoy your break.


This week in English we started our new book 'Astro Girl'. We predicted what the story would be about and then using nouns and adjectives to create thinking bubbles for the main character. We also wrote instructions of how to be an astronaut. We used imperative verbs. In Maths we have been continuing to look at adding in different ways. We have looked a number bonds and adding using a range of different resources such as number lines, counters, cubes and tens frames. In Science we focused on 'Animals in Winter'. We looked at which animals hibernate, migrate and adapt during the Winter. In Geography we created an experiment to measure the amount of rainfall for each week. During next week we are going to record the weather and rainfall each day. We also had a great chance to see Year 4's Harvest assembly. The children really enjoyed this.


This week in English we have finished our book called 'Cave Baby'. We wrote a setting description using adjectives, nouns and using 'and' in a sentence. We described the mammoth's cave. In Maths we are continuing to use part, part, whole method to create number bonds. During Science, we created our own weather forecast videos by using vocabulary about rainfall, weather and temperature. In Geography we learnt about hot and cold climates around the world. We looked at a world map to find countries close and far away from the equator. The children have really enjoyed their P.E lessons with Mr Ireland were they are focusing on fine motor skills. In Design Technology we have been learning about where fruit and vegetables grow. As this month is Black History month, we have been learning about different people from history. We have focused on Lewis Hamilton and how he works hard to promote equality.


For the next two weeks, we will be focusing on the story of 'Cave Baby'. The children will be using the story to focus their English lessons around. In Maths we have been looking at more and less, as well as moving onto numbers bonds. We have focused on the part, part, whole model. In Geography, we have looked at the dangers of different weathers. We created a poster about how to stay safe in different weathers. During Science, we went on an Autumn walk to see the different signs of Autumn. On Thursday, we had the chance to see Year 3's wonderful languages assembly.


What an amazing start to the week! Year 1 met a gorilla called Thomas who came to talk to us about looking after the world around us. During our English, we used adjectives to describe Thomas and after receiving a letter from a zoo keeper, we wrote one back. We also create portrait pictures of Thomas to go onto our classroom display. In Maths we have been looking at comparing numbers. Homework this week will be looking at one more and one less. We also celebrated National Fitness Day on Wednesday by taking part in a short circuit. In R.E we have been looking at why our family are so important to us and how they can help us. 


During this week we have continued our English topic about Leon and the Place Between. The children have been writing sentences about the circus and retelling the story. In Maths we have been writing numbers to 10 in numbers and words. In Geography we compared Autumn and Winter and how they are difference. In Science we  looked at the different seasons. We also had our first P.E session with Mr Ireland. We focused on fine motor skills using throwing and catching. Year 1 have also spoken about what makes a good person with Mrs Lyon. During phonics we have recapped our Phase 3 sounds.

Homework this week is looking at Year 1 spellings and practising our phonics skills.


We have had a fantastic first week in Year 1. The children have enjoyed sitting in their table spaces and working with their talk partners. On Monday, we had a circus workshop that taught us how to juggle, spin plates and stilt walking. The children then focused on the story of Leon and the Place Between. We used this book in our English to write about what a circus is like and what we find at a circus. In Maths we have started our place value topic. We are looking at counting to 10, counting objects and one more/one less. In Geography our topic is looking at different types of weather. We will also link this with our Science where we are looking at different seasons. This week the children have been drawing different types of seasons and writing sentences about the length of days in each season. We have also focused on our 'Being Me' topic in PSHE. The children have drawn themselves and spoken about things they are good at. They also gave their friends lots of compliments. The children have really enjoyed their first week in Year 1 and have shown that they are ready for the year ahead!

Mr Ashton and Miss Harmon would like to welcome everybody to Year 1's blog! We will be updating this each week with all of the lovely things that we have done in class that week. We are going to have a fantastic year in Year 1!



 5.5.23- King's Coronation