Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Our PSHE/RSE
  3. Road Safety

    Road Safety

       Meet our Junior Road Safety Officers! 

       Max, Jarod, Chloe and Julia are our new Junior Road Safety Officers.  The children visited the Town Hall in St.Helens during Road Safety week, November

       2014 for training in their role. The children are going to be looking at ways to improve safety around school for our children during the coming year.




January 9th 2015

Today our JRSO's delivered an assembly with Mrs Threlkeld to introduce themselves and explain their role.

They sent out a polite request for children to speak to parents about our campaign, 'Cars and kids don't mix!' Please park away from school. Have a look at their assembly presentation below.

Have a look at the children's assembly presentation below.