Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

  1. Class Blogs
  2. Year 2 CM 2019-20

Welcome to Year 2 - Mrs Maver's Class 2019-20

Spring 1

During the Spring Term, the children have continued to impress me with their enthusiasm and perseverance. In Maths, We have been exploring 2D shapes. The children have been making symmetrical patterns, drawing shapes and discussing their properties. We have enjoyed looking out for shapes in our environment too. The children have been working particularly hard on their multiplication and division. We have been solving word problems and talking through our thought process on how best to tackle a problem.

In English, we have been finding out about Julia Donaldson. We have read a wide range of her wonderful books and discussed the similarities and differences. The children have explored the books talking about the theme, characters and events. We loved how the books rhyme and how the illustrations make the books come alive. Our class favourite was ‘Stickman’. This inspired us to write our own version of the story. We started by going into the forest area to collect sticks to make our own ‘Stickchild’. Whilst making the ‘stickchildren’ we talked about their personalities and exciting events that could happened to them. The children thoroughly enjoyed writing their own version of the story and after editing them we shared them with each other.

Our impressive writing skills have continued throughout this term. In Science, the children have shown a keen interest in exploring Minibeasts. We have researched minibeasts, enjoyed a minibeast hunt, explored habitats and shared our findings with each other. We even had a visit from a local Ranger to deepen our knowledge about minibeasts. Finally, we used all our information to write a report about minibeasts. We then became authors and published our very own non-fiction books to share with everyone! We are very proud of our finished products!

In Geography, we have been finding out about our local area. The children have explored maps and symbols, creating their own line map and key. We then used a map of the local area to plan a route to a local park. The children used their map skills and compass directions to follow the planned route to the park. Along the way we looked at the human and physical features of our local area. The children discussed what they like about Haydock and how it could be improved.

 In PE, the children have shown great sportsmanship in cricket. They have been practising their throwing and batting skills as well as working as a team. We have also enjoyed multi-skills and Gymnastics, the children have been linking movements both on and off the apparatus.

Mrs Mavers

Autumn 2 

It has been another exciting term in Year 2! The children have continued to work hard. It was lovely to see your all during Parents Evening and sharing your child's progress with you. 

This term we have been reading Building Boy by Ross Montgomery. This is beautiful story about a boy's loving relationship with her grandma. Unwilling to accept that she is gone the boy build a giant structure of his Grandma and...she comes to life! Grandma took him on an adventure but where did she take him? I'm sure the children would love to tell you. With this story the children explore the use of repetition, effective vocabulary choices and how to make their writing exciting for the reader. The children then planned and created their own stories about losing their precious toy. This term we have continue to focus on our handwriting taking care with our letter sizes. Please continue to support this at home. 

In Maths, the children have worked hard with their multiplication. We have been exploring the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We have used concrete resources to solve multiplication problems and then looked at how we can write multiplication sentences to represent multiplication problems. The children have really enjoyed their this mathematical concept and are beginning to practise their recall of multiplication  facts. You can support this at home by practising counting in steps of 2,5 and 10. We will be moving on to 3 times tables next term. Th children can consolidate their learning with activities on education city or by using multiplication on Hit the Button. 

In Science we have been finding out about Materials and their properties. The children have been thinking about the uses of materials and using their scientific skills to explore their properties. 

In Geography we have been finding out about our wonderful world. The children have been using maps, globes and Google maps to explore the Oceans and Seas as well as the 7 continents. We have looked at different types of maps and compared birds eye view to maps looking at the different features. 

The most exciting part of this term was working together with Miss Brown's Year 2 class and Year 1 to put together an amazing Nativity 'A King is Born'. The children demonstrated how far they have come this year with their confidence and attitude. I am sure you are very proud of them all!

We finished the term off with a fun filled Christmas party and a visit from Santa!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all the best for the New Year!

Mrs Mavers

Autumn 1

What a fantastic start to the Year! The children have settled well into Year 2 and have impressed me with their positive attitude to learning. We are already beginning to see progress!

In English we have enjoyed using wonderful stories to inspire our writing. To begin we read 'The Tear Thief'. The children were able to use some fantastic vocabulary to rewrite their own version of this story. It was such a beautiful story that made use think about our emotions. The children used this book to create our reading area. The reading area is a lovely calming area in our classroom where we can share books with each other. Later in term we looked at 'The Way Back Home'. The children used their research skills to find out about the moon and used this information to create an information report. The children enjoyed reading 'Bob the Man on the Moon' and had a lovely discussion about what life might be like on the moon. 

In Maths, we have been focusing on Place Value, addition and Subtraction. The children have been developing their basic skills including doubling and number bonds. Keep up the fantastic work at home!

In Science, we have been learning about the Environment. The children have learnt about  recycling materials, pollution and endangered animals. The children have been develop their scientific vocabulary and questioning each others thinking. I think we have some super Scientist in Year 2!

In Topic, the children have been finding out about The Great Fire of London. To further inspire a love of reading, we have linked this to our class novel- The Baker’s Boy. This topic has encouraged the children to be inquisitive and develop their higher order thinking skills.

In History, the children have been finding out about The Great Fire of London. To further inspire a love of reading, we have linked this to our class novel- The Baker’s Boy. This has encouraged the children to be inquisitive and develop their higher order thinking skills. The children have enjoyed finding out about this significant event and I'm sure they have enjoyed telling you all about it at home!

What a busy half term it has been! Another exciting term ahead with lots of wonderful learning opportunities. 

Year 2 Notice Board

Welcome Meeting Information

Autumn Curriculum Overview

Beeston Letter