Grange Valley Primary & Nursery School

  1. Class Blogs
  2. Year 2 Blog
  3. 2013-14 Blog

Welcome to Mrs Mavers's Year 2 Blog!




Week beginning 7th July

Another lovely week in Year 2. The highlight of this week has definitely got to be our class trip to Blackpool. The children and staff         had a fantastic day. We started with a walk down the North Pier before going to watch an incredible circus show at the Blackpool     Tower. We then finished the day with a play on the beach. This trip was a lovely experience for all the children.






No RM Maths club

Please can you send in your parents evening comment slips and questionnaires.

Happy Birthday!

                                                                                                       Olivia L

Have a lovely weekend

Year 2 Team


Week beginning 4th July

It has been another exciting week in year 2. Take a look at all the lovely things we have been up to.

On Wednesday the staff and the children in Y4,Y5,Y6 all received defibrillator training. The children in Y2 worked with some children     out of Year 5 and Year 6 to make observational drawings of different fruits using oil pastels and water colours. We then worked with some of the year 6 children to create posters on how to be healthy.  


 On Friday we had a Wimbledon morning. We watched Andy Murray play tennis and talked about the rules and scoring system. The children  then went outside with the year 1 children to play some tennis. The children had so much fun! To finish we went back inside to watch some more tennis whilst eating strawberries and ice cream. Yum Yum!




In science we have been finding out all about Shadows. We went outside to measure our shadows. We then watched the amazing performance by 'Attraction' on Britain's Got Talent and worked in small groups to create our own shadow performance.




Our Blackpool trip is on Wednesday. Can you please ensure the children have a rain coat and suitable footwear. If it looks like it        is going to be sunny on the morning, can you please put suncream on the children. All pack lunches must be in a disposable bag. 

 RM Maths club is on Wednesday 8:30am

Parents evening appointment letters went home today. If anyone you like to come to this optional meeting can you please return your     slips as soon as possible. If you would like to discuss anything for your child's school report please book an appointment for this evening


      Year 2 Team. 


Week beginning 23rd June

What a fantastic week we have had celebrating National sports week. On Monday we went to Haydock High School to take part in Olympkids. The children chose to represent England. We started with a parade around the sports hall and then we split into groups          to take part in different activities including; target throwing, hurdles, mini-golf, penalty shooting and balancing. You can see in the   pictures below just how much fun the children had.



On Wednesday we had Sports day and what a fantastic day it was. I was very impressed with the children's behaviour and sportsmanship during this event. Well done to the green team who were the overall winners this year!






RM maths- Wednesday 8:30am


Blackpool trip- 9th July- Please remember to return slip and money


 Happy Birthday!


Lacey A


Year 2 team.

Week beginning 16th June

We have had lots of imaginative pieces of writing from year 2 this week, which were inspired by the story 'The Whales Song'. The   children thought of gifts they would like to give the whales and what they would like to receive in return. Just like Lilly in the story   we would like to see them sing and dance for us. The children used lots of description language from the book to create their own poems about whales. Together we came up with this fantastic class poem:

Wondrous Whales

Magical Creatures

As big as the mountains

As peaceful as the moon

Their singing fills the night

Voices like the wind

by Year 2


We had a lovely class visit to Haydock Christ Church on Thursday. The children listened to stories about Jesus being a good friend.     

We found out about 'Jesus the Healer' when he healed the blind man. We then played blind man's bluff. We also made beautiful friendship bracelets to give to a friend in our class.








RM maths- Wednesday 8:30am


Olympkids- Monday 23rd AM -If the weather is nice please apply sun cream to your child in the morning and send them in

with a sun hat.


Blackpool trip- 9th July- Please remember to return slip and money


Sports Day 25th June 2pm

Year 2 team






Week beginning 9th June

 This week the children have completed their statutory assessments. I have been very impressed with their attitudes and the           progress that they have all made. We all enjoyed looking at what we could do in september and what we can do now. It was so nice to hear all the children talking to each other about the achievements that they have made. Well done Year 2!!


On Wednesday the children walked up to Haydock Library. The libarian read 'Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend' to the children.              We were then given a challenge to remember all the names that were mentioned in the book. We discovered that the names all had alliteration.  We then came up with names for ourselves using alliteration. We had:

Jumping Jack, Crazy Callum, Excellent Evan, Happy Hannah, Lovely Lilly, Electric Ethan, Observant Olivia and even a                    Bouncy Barker.


Happy Birthday!

Rhys D




RM maths- Wednesday 8:30am

Olympkids- Monday 23rd AM Please remember to sign and return slip

Blackpool trip- 9th July- Please remember to return slip and money

Sports Day 25th June 2pm






Week beginning 4th June

We have had a busy yet fantastic couple of days in year 2. The children were all excited to see the precious shells I brought into       class to give them a clue about our new Topic-the seaside. We worked in groups to think of words to do describe the shells and            to talk about how they make us for. We used this information to write poems about shells. Here are a few examples-


It’s a shell                                          It is a shell


Bumpy and smooth                             Spikey and rough


Pink and swirly                                   Yellow and spotty


Laying on the sand                              Buried in the sand


It makes me feel calm                         It makes me feel happy          

     Jack                                                        Lacey         


In maths we have been learning to tell the time. We have been looking at quarter to and quarter past. I have been really impressed    with the children’s enthusiasm in learning this important skill. Keep practising at home!


  A big thank you for helping your child with their holiday booklet. The children were so excited to show me their books. They are      fantastic! We looked at a map of the UK and the children had the challenge of finding St Helens. We then used a map of the            world to answer my question ‘Where in the world year 2 have been?’  



RM maths- Wednesday 8:30am

Sports Day 25th June 2pm

A letter was sent home today informing you about our Year 1 and 2 school trip to Blackpool. The children are all excited            about this trip. We will be visiting the Blackpool tower to watch the circus, walk up the pier and have lots of lovely activities          on the beach. This is a fantiastic seaside experience. Please complete your child's permission slip and return to school                 with the £12 before Friday 20th June. Thankyou.

Also The children will be visiting Haydock Library next week (wednesday). The children will be taking part in a Horrid Henry       event.

There are lots of things going on this term. Keep checking the blog for further updates.


Year 2 team


Week beginning 12th May

Well the children were all excited to get producing their own stories books based on the story 'Mrs Armitage on Wheels.' We started off planning and sharing our creative ideas and then created our title page and write our blurb. The children have produced some lovely stories. We have:

  • Mrs Armtiage on a Scooter
  • Mrs Armitage in a Space Ship
  • Mrs Armitage on Ice-Skates
  • Mrs Armitage on Rollerblades.

We all enjoyed reading our stories to each other. It was lovely to hear the children talking about their books and what they liked about each others.


In maths we have been finding out about capacity. The children have been investigating how much liquid different containers hold and

reading different scales.





Happy Birthday!


 Jennifer D



Multi-skills club- Tuesday 3.30-4.3

Dance- Tuesday 8am

RM Maths – Wednesday 8.30am



Year 2 Team


Week beginning 6th May


The children have continued to impress me with their literacy skills this week. We have been reading a story written by one of my favourite authors, Quentin Blake, called 'Mrs Armitage on Wheels'. Mrs Armitage likes to ride her bike. When she sets out on a bike ride she can't stop thinking of ways to improve her bike. It soon becomes an eye-catching contraption but did she go too far? The children really enjoyed reading this book so much in fact that they have asked if they can write a sequel. How could I refuse!

In maths the children have been working with money. We have been adding coins, finding change and solving lots of real life problems. The children are getting much better with their 5 times tables and are beginning to recall them with increased confidence. Keep practising at home!

In ICT we have been working in pairs to create a PowerPoint about a chosen planet. The children have learnt to locate PowerPoint, add text, import images and are beginning to explore different ways to improve their designs. Once finished they will present them to the class.





 There will be no morning clubs this week

Tuesday Multi-skills - 3.30-4.30pm

Please can you try and read with your child for at least 5-10 minutes each night and sign their yellow reading record. 

Can you please make sure that children only bring water to school in their water bottles.  


Year 2 team


Week beginning 28th April 2014

Another busy week in Year 2. In literacy the children have continues working on the story ‘Jim and the Beanstalk’. In the story the Giant     sent Jim to get him some glasses so that he could read his Poetry books. The children were then set a challenge to design their own magic glasses. We had some very funky and stylish designs as we can see from the photos below.



The children all enjoyed wearing their magical glasses and wrote some fantastic stories about them. The children have impressed me with their imagination and are beginning to add more information in their stories to interest the reader.


In topic this week the children discovered who Neil Armstrong was. We are really enjoying our Space theme and the children can’t wait to find out more about Neil Armstrong’s journey to the moon.




The children were all excited to take part in the sponsored dance on Tuesday.

        'Can we do this every day?' said Olivia

        'That was so much fun!' said Maisie

Can I please remind you to send any sponsor forms and money into school next week. Thankyou!




Happy Birthday!



Lilly P


Multi-skills club- Tuesday 3.30-4.3

Dance- Tuesday 8am

RM Maths – Wednesday 8.30am


Year 2 team.


Week beginning 22nd April


Welcome back! The children were all excited to tell me what they had been up to in the Easter holidays. I can’t believe it is the Summer term already. We have lots of interesting activities planned for this term. Our new topic is all about Space. We will be finding out about Neil Armstrong and why he was a brave person. The children will be bringing home a curriculum letter giving you further insight into this half term’s work.


Well the children have come back to school eager to start their work. In Literacy we will be reading and writing lots of stories. We started off this week reading ‘Jim and the Beanstalk’. The children could all tell me the similarities and differences between this story and ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children have been planning a story all about a golden coin that the giant gave them. This was no ordinary coin. It took them on a magical adventure! I can’t to read their stories.


In Maths the children have been showing of their multiplication skills. It was clear that some of the children have been practising their 2, 5 and 10

times tables at home. Keep it up!


The children have been recapping number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 and have used this to solve word problems and calculations.






Multi-skills club- Tuesday 3.30-4.30


Dance- Tuesday 8am


RM Maths – Wednesday 8.30am


Sponsored Event- will take place Tuesday 29th April.




Have a lovely weekend!


Year 2 Team



Week beginning 31st March

In literacy the children have continued writing riddles. This time we have researched and created a riddle for our favourite minibeast. I wonder if you can solve some of the children's riddles?

I am thin and long.                                             I often hibernate in the dead hollow stems of a plant.

I have no bones.                                                Sometimes I make you smile.

I love the dirt.                                                     I can eat thousands of aphids in just one year.

I slither across the floor.                                     I am symmetrical.

I have no eyes.                                                  I like to flutter and glide through the air.

What am I?                                                        What am I?

By Olivia D                                                         By Lilly P                                                  


In maths this week the children have been adding numbers, bridging 10's. We have also been practising to recall our 5 times table. This is something that the children will be able to continue at home over the holidays.

On Monday the chidlren couldn't wait to go on their minibeast hunt. They found lots of minibeast such as ladybirds, worms, woodlice, spiders and slugs. They children were all able to record their findings. We used magnifying glasses to take a closer look at them and we didn't forget to put them back where we found them!



On Thursday afternnon the children when to church to find out all about the Easter story. They had a lovely time completing a quiz and listening to the Easter story and we even went on an easter egg hunt. The children all listened well and had a lovely experience!


On Friday the children all made easter baskets. The chidlren also followed a set of instructions to make an easter nest to put inside their beautifully decorated basket. Yum Yum!


I hope you all have a lovely rest and don't eat too much chocolate!                                       

Year 2 Team



Week beginning 24th March

In literacy this week the children have been finding out all about riddles. They have been little detectives listening to clues to solve the riddle. I wonder if you can solve this riddle?:


I am your beginning and your end. 

I follow your footsteps 

And cannot be shaken off. 

Though I fade from view 

You are never alone.

So silent that you often forget me.

I am still there,

Your constant dark spy and companion.

What am I?

The children have been reading and comparing riddles in order to find out what they need to include when they come to write their riddles next week. The children are so excited about writing riddles. I can't wait to read them!

In maths we have continued to work hard learning are , 5 and 10 times tables. The children have enjoyed their multiplication challenges this week. Keep practising at home! We have also been partitioning hundreds, tens and units and we have started to solve word problems. The children have all impressed me with their maths skills this week.

In PE we have been thinking of different balances we can make, using different parts of our bodies to take the weight. The children are all able to work as part of a team to get the apparatus out and have used them to perform sequences include an interesting balance.  

Have a lovely weekend!

Happy Birthday!


 Oliver S



RM Maths Club on Wednesday morning 8:30am

Dance club on Tuesday mornings 8.00am for KS1

Easter experience- Thursday 3rd April

Easter Competition- The children have been asked to decorate a boiled egg and bring it into school to exhibit it in the hall on Friday 4th April. Prizes will be awarded for the best designs.


 Year 2 team.


Week Beginning 17th March

We have had a superhero theme this week in Literacy. The children have been using their imagination to create their own superhero. There were lots of ideas including Tiger Girl, Black Widow, Lava Man and Ice Man. We have been busy writing character descriptions, designing costumes and planning and writing our own superhero stories. The children have all impressed me with their story writing this week. They have been using a range of punctuation to add effect such as exclamation marks, speech marks, commas and even ellipses.


In Numeracy the children have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and using this to estimate calculations. The children have also been comparing numbers using the greater than and less than signs as well as positioning numbers on a number line.


In PE the children have been moving in different pathways and making different shapes with their bodies including curled and stretched shapes. The children have also been working as a team to get the apparatus out safely. They have used the apparatus to explore ways of moving around them such as over, under and along.

Today the children from Year 1 and 2 came together to show their support for sport relief. The children worked together in their colour teams to take part in different sporting events such as target throwing, relay and penalty shoot out. The children all had a lovely afternoon working together as you can see from the images below.




At the end of the event, the scores we collected and the winners were... the green team. Well done green team!!!

Happy Birthday!


 Hannah T



RM Maths Club on Wednesday morning 8:30am

Dance club on Tuesday mornings 8.00am for KS1

Easter experience- Thursday 3rd April

Easter Competition- The children have been asked to decorate a boiled egg and bring it into school to exhibit it in the hall on Friday 4th April. Prizes will be awarded for the best designs.


 Year 2 team.


Week Beginning 10th March 

This week in Literacy we have continued to look at Instructions. The children all enjoyed reading Horrid Henry and Moody Margret. In this particular story Horrid Henry makes a some disgusting gloop for Moody Margret to eat. The children used their imagination to create their own recipe for gloop ensuring they used features of instructional writing including, bossy verb, time connectives, adverbs and bullet points. The children were very creative with their ideas. We had gloop containing mouldy cheese, chopped rotten apples, spider legs and even a set of Granny teeth.

In Numeracy, the children have been looking at division. We have been solving divisions in different ways such as sharing, grouping and using our times tables. I was very impressed with the effort the children have put into understanding this difficult concept.

A big thank you to all the parents and grandparents that came along to our Story Telling afternoon on Monday. It was lovely to see you all reading with your children.



On Monday we also had a visit from Captain Gramaticus.  He came into school to tell us all about spelling, punctuation and grammar. The children loved watching him and he was very impressed with the children's knowedge in this area.